Dr. Krishna Kant Gupta, Dr. Govind Gurung, Dr. Gaurav Dhungana, Dr. Priyanka Singh and Uttam Kumar Karn
Introduction: Refractive error is prevalent in 30% of the population which is found to be up to 85% in Asian. Myopia and Hyperopia are the forms of refractive errors whereas Presbyopia is a natural age-related visual condition. Accommodation is the ability of the eye to change the refractive power of the lens to focus on objects at various distances. The objective of this study was to evaluate the amplitude of accommodation in presbyopic age group and observe the subjective acceptance and satisfaction.
Materials and Methods: A hospital-based, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out at Nepalgunj Medical College Teaching Hospital. A total of 200 patients were included and divided into two group I and II, aged 35 to 60 years.
Results: Out of 200 patients, statistically significant difference in Amplitude of accommodation between myopes and emmetropes (p<0.05) and between myopes and hyperopes (p<0.05) were observed in 35-44 years age group. Significant difference was also observed between myopes and emmetropes (p<0.02) and between myopes and hyperopes (p<0.01) in 45-49 years age group. While in 50-54 years age group, significant significance was observed between myopes and emmetropes (p<0.05) and between myopes and hyperopes (p<0.01). Patients in age group 35-44 years were more satisfied when received presbyopic correction according to amplitude of accommodation however after the age of 45 years presbyopic correction given according to age was tolerated equally well among both the refractive status groups.
Conclusion: The amplitude of accommodation was highest in myopes in all ages groups when compared to hyperopes and emmetropes, and the presbyopic correction to patients between 35-44 years of age should be given according to their amplitude of accommodation keeping 1/3rd of their accommodation in reserve for better satisfaction and comfort.
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